Israel's war against Hezbollah: the Invisible Enemy
por Matthias Gebauer (in Avivim, Israel)
19 años atrás 6 min lectura
On the map the war looks so straight forward. An Israeli commander has marked Hezbollah strongholds in south Lebanon red for the purposes of our briefing — lately practically all of the towns north of the Israeli border are colored red. Marked with blue crosses are the strategically important positions, mostly crossroads, now controlled by Israel. "Now we have to just go in and deal with the Hezbollah boys," the commander, who asked not to be identified, said. "There isn’t much more to say."
Military analysts and politicians talked confidently at the beginning of the of the mission of targeted, surgical assaults against Hezbollah and an estimated conflict duration of about a week. Now Israel is increasingly preparing for a long war. Even the commander in Avivim just shrugs his shoulders when he is asked when the war will end. "We are fighting against an invisible enemy. Against fathers, who suddenly take up arms, against small hidden positions all over sudden Lebanon, against weapons concealed in bunkers," he says: "That can take a while."
But all this technology has its limits. Despite days of bombardment from the air, Hezbollah appears to have only been lightly weakened, and continue launching around 80 missiles at Israel every day. For days the military has been indicating that only a ground offensive can achieve its objective. "We have to go into the villages," says the commander. "But it is obvious that we will be attacked there." Even more obvious is the fact that Hezbollah’s fighters will have an advantage because of their local knowledge.,1518,428711,00.html
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