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Encampment to stop the war — Beginning March 12 in Washington DC

ENCAMPMENT TO STOP THE WAR                                   [  ¡¡¡¡Ver más abajo texto traducido al castellano !!! ]
In Washington DC

In the past few days, we have been contacted by thousands of people from all over the country promising to come to Washington and STAY to stop the war. Here is what some have said:

I would like to be involved in a direct manner, I have nothing in my life I believe to be more important than taking back control of our country from the hands corruption and corperations, and returning it to its rightful owners, let me know what I can do from here!
I support you guys 110% on what you guys are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Cesar Paz, Las Cruces, NM
Up to now, antiwar demonstrations have produced no results. By having demonstrators stay at the site of Congress until it cuts off funding just might work.
I’ll volunteer as much time as possible at the local level and I hope to be able to come to Washington on March
-Paul McDowell, Santa Barbara City College, CA
I will be there to stay with my tent and my friend too
– Tamara St Clair, Ann Arbor MI
I’m going and will stay
– Tighe Barry, Santa Monica,  CA
Looking forward to setting up my tent on the lawn
– Joe Dwyer Clearspring MD
Let us emulate the example of our colleagues in Oaxaca,
– Cecil Pineda, Oakland, CA
DON’T drop this ball, no matter the opinions of the big peace groups. They haven’t been willing to put out this kind of call and I firmly believe it is the only thing that will work. We can do this if we unite.
– Beverly Wiskow, Peace Now Citrus County, Inverness FL
Let’s shut down Washington!Our votes don’t matter,so it’s time for mass civil disobedience.It’s the only way we can stop this war.
– David Cutler, Boston MA

Beginning March 12 in Washington DC
(Before the March on the Pentagon on Saturday march 17)

Message to Congress:

      *END THE WAR

Beginning March 12 in Washington DC
(Before the March on the Pentagon on Saturday march 17)

March 12
Encampment begins directly in front of the Capitol Bldg in Washington DC

March 13
Encampment to End the War

March 14
Encampment to  End the War

March 15
Encampment to  End the War

March 16
Encampment to End the War

March 17
March on the  Pentagon stay in DC for the Encampment to End the War

March 18
Encampment to End the War

Encampment to End the War

on the mall directly in front of the Capitol building (3rd street between Constitution and Independence)

During the week beginning March 12, Congress will begin voting on Bush’s request for $100 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.  If Congress votes to cut off funds, they can end the war now and bring the troops home. If they approve Bush’s war funds, the killing, and dying and occupation will go on…it’s as simple as that. This vote will be the most important war related vote since Congress voted to authorized Bush to invade and occupy Iraq in October of 2002.  The antiwar movement must be there to let Congress know that we won’t let them get away with it this time.

Right now, the Troops Out Now Coalition is working with local organizers, churches and mosques, unions, and community groups to prepare for a long-term occupation of Washington by the anti-war movement.  Local organizers across the U.S. are organizing buses, vans, and car caravans.

We have a real opportunity if we act decisively–and we need your help.  Please contact us by Monday, February 26 –use the "comments" section of the volunteer form to let us know:

  • Can you come to Washington for the Encampment to Stop the War?  On what day can you join the encampment?  For how long?  Some are planning to come for a day or two, others are staying longer.
  • Do you have equipment that would be useful for an encampment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.)??
  • Can you volunteer to take on a task during the encampment (logistics, medical, security, legal, transportation, etc)? 
  • If you live in the Washington DC area, do you have space for people to sleep or freshen up? 
How You Can Help
Volunteer – complete the volunteer form at and use the comments section to let us know when you can come to Washington DC, how long you can stay, what you can bring, and what tasks you can take on in the Encampment to Stop the War.

Help Get the Word Out – Download leaflets from and take them to your school, workplace, union hall, church or mosque, community center, etc.

Donate – Please help with the enormous expenses of preparing for the Encampment to Stop the War.

Contact your local organizing center and help organize your local contingent to the Encampment.

Partial list of Endorsers:  Brenda Stokely, co-convener, New York City Labor Against the War*; Teresa Guttierez, May 1 Immigrant Rights Coalition*; Sharon Black, Million Worker March; LeiLani Dowell, FIST – Fight Imperialism Stand Together; Joseph Parko, founding member, Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition*, Atlanta, GA; Elliot Markson, Veterans For Peace*, Brooklyn, NY; Mona Parsons, Military Families Speak Out*, Mount Vernon, OH; Julie Levine, Steering Committee, Topanga Peace Alliance*, CA; Manik Mukherjee, AIAIF, All India Anti-imperialist Forum, Calcutta, India; The Most Rev. Filipe Teixeira, Ofsjc, Diocesan Bishop, Catholic Church Of The Americas*, Brockton, MA; Louis Lafortune, Member: County Council, Green Party Santa Cruz California*, Santa Cruz, CA; Ardeshir Ommani, Chair, American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC), Armonk, NY; Paul "Zool" Zulkowitz, Green Party Peace Action Comm (GPAX)*, Woodmere, NY; Ivy Nightscales, Shop Steward, SEIU*, Seattle, WA; Amelia Core Jenkins, Code Pink*, Dallas, TX; Ruth Valdez, Chair Social Action Comm., Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Of Santa Cruz*, Freedom, CA; Leslie Feinberg, Co-Chair LGBT Caucus National Writers Union*; Steve Gillis, Vice President USWA Local 8751 Boston School Bus Drivers and Monitors; Minister Malik Shabazz-el Bey, President-General, New Marcus Garvey Movement-Black Panther Nation, Detroit, MI; Paul Kangas, co-chair, Thc Troops Home By Christmas, San Francisco, CA; Ronald Kuykendall, Veterans For Peace*, Asheville, NC; Hasan Tarique Chowdhury, Bangladesh Peace Council*, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Anthony Ehrlich, West Volusians For Peace And Justice*, Barberville, FL; Mark Bradshaw-Miller, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church*, Saint Louis, MO; Paul Gattone, Executive Vice-President, National Lawyers Guild*, Tucson, AZ; Mattie Thomas, Move On*, Brooklyn, NY; Jerry Messick, AFSCME*, Norman, OK; Sylvia Zisman, Bklyn Parents For Peace*, Bklyn, NY see growing list of endorsers at




 (Antes de la marcha en el Pentágono el sábado 17 de marzo)


En el Mall que está justo al frente del Capitolio (Third Street, entre Constitution e Independence) 


Durante la semana que se inicia el 12 de marzo el Congreso comenzará a votar la petición de Bush por 100 billones más para las guerras en Irán y Afganistán. Si el Congreso vota en favor de cortar los fondos, podrían terminar la guerra ahora, y traer de vuelta las tropas. Si aprueban los fondos de Bush para la guerra, las matanzas, las muertes y la ocupación continuarán… es tan simple como eso. Esta votación será la más importante referente a la guerra, desde  que el Congreso votó autorizando a Bush a invadir y ocupar Irak en octubre del 2002. El movimiento en contra de la guerra debe estar allí para hacerle saber al Congreso que esta vez no les permitiremos que se salgan con la suya.

En este momento la "Coalisión Por La Salida De Las Tropas Ahora", está trabajando con organizadores locales: Iglesias y mezquitas, sindicatos y grupos comunitarios en la preparación de una larga ocupación de Washington por parte del movimiento en contra de la guerra. Organizaciones locales a lo largo de EE.UU. están organizando caravanas de buses, vans y automóviles.

Tenemos una verdadera oportunidad, si actuamos de manera decisiva–y necesitamos su ayuda. Por favor contáctenos antes del lunes, febrero 26, use la sección de "comentarios" de la página de los voluntarios para hacernos saber si:
1. ¿Puede Ud. venir a Washington al campamento para detener la guerra? ¿Qué día puede Ud. unirse al campamento?¿Por cuánto tiempo? Algunos están planeando venir por un día o dos, otros se quedarían más tiempo. 

2. ¿Tiene Ud. equipo que fuera útil para el Campamento? (Carpas, sacos de dormir, etc.)

3. ¿Puede Ud. voluntariar para hacerse cargo de alguna tarea en el Campamento? (Logística, médica, seguridad, legal, transporte, etc.)

4. Si Ud. vive en el área de Washington D.C. ¿tiene espacio dónde la gente pudiera dormir o refrescarse?

Para VOLUNTARIAR. Complete la solicitud para voluntariar en y use la sección de comentarios para hacernos saber cuándo puede Ud. venir a Washington D.C., cuánto tiempo puede estar, qué puede traer, y qué tareas podría tomar en el Campamento.  

Para AYUDAR A DIFUNDIR LA INFORMACION, baje panfletos de http://www.troopsoutnow.orgy/ , llévelos a su escuela, lugar de trabajo, local sindical, Iglesia o Mesquita, centro comunitario, etc.

Para DONACIONES.  http://troopsoutnow.or/donate.shtml Por favor ayúdenos con los enormes gastos de preparación del Campamento Para Detener La Guerra.

CONTACTE a su centro local de organización y ayude a organizar su contingente local que participará en el Campamento.  

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